Series Glossary


Apr 11, 2019
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List and define the various key words used in your submitted series here for the sake of posterity and to prevent repetitious questions.

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Apr 11, 2019

Macross - The titular unit type of the series. The original Macross, the SDF-1, was salvaged and converted to a human design from its original, Protoculture/Supervision Army form after its crash and subsequent discovery. The SDF-1's initial designation was ASS-1 for Alien Space Ship, while its current designation, SDF, stands for Super Dimension Fortress which is the operational designation for all Macross Ships.

Destroid - A generally humanoid, land based mobile weapon such as the Monster, Phalanx, and Spartan.

Valkyrie - The general term for Variable Fighters, combat vehicles developed using research gained from ASS-1. Valkyries can shift into 3 different modes: The standard flight mode in the form of a plane, Gerwalk mode where the Valkyrie shifts its arms and legs out from its flight form in a sort of half transformed state, and Battroid mode where the Valkyrie assumes a fully humanoid form. These forms grant a Variable Fighter depths of spontaneity and adaptability over a standard Destroid or fighter craft.
While most Valkyrie unit models are designated by VF (or RVF for recon and AWACS units), prototypes and other outstanding units are denoted as YF; meanwhile, civilian and non combat units are designated as VT.

Zentradi - (Zentradi, adj./n. Zentran; ie "the Zentran there") A race of giant humanoids created by the Protoculture for the purpose of combat. The Zentraedi discovered humans after tracking down ASS-1. After years of fighting, Humanity and the Zentraedi reached an understanding and began to live side by side.
Zentraedi generally grow to be around 10m tall, their skin tones can range from common human colors to greens and grays of various hues, and have a somewhat common phenotype of pointed ears which manifests more often in human-zentrant hybrids.

Protoculture - A dominant, "humanoid", space faring species that seems to have preceded most other forms of life in the universe. Through manipulating basic organic life across the expanses of space, the Protoculture sowed the seeds for humanity and countless other life forms. Ruins and relics of their highly advanced technology are occasionally discovered, but the scope of the technology is often too far to understand.

Spiritia - A rather inexplicable energy emitted by most organisms. Spiritia is generated primarily through intense emotions, manifesting primarily, in humans at least, through the performance and reception of music.

Protodeviln - Ancient creatures sealed away by the Protoculture. The power of a Protodeviln is vast, but their primary trait is to feed on the Spiritia of other organisms. This generally leaves such creatures as effectively soulless husks if their Spiritia isn't restored somehow. The form of a Protodeviln is typically quite large and monstrous, however they are able to bend smaller creatures such as humans to their will and remotely operate via that body.

Fold - The manipulation of physical space between 2 points. By compressing or simply swapping the space from one point to another, rapid long distance travel becomes trivial. However, there exist anomalous bands all across space called Fold Faults which cannot be Folded, causing vessels operating with folds to have to traverse space manually until they have passed over the fault.

Within the hyperspace created by Folding, 1 hour is equivalent to 10 days in normal space. As such, travel by Folding is most efficient when traveling at the longest possible distances.

Pinpoint Barrier - A technique which utilizes a Fold generator to create a field of altered space that absorbs incoming attacks. The space effected by the barrier is comparatively small on most craft that can utilize this technique. Some newer Valkyries have small Fold generators in their arms to create barriers in Battroid mode that increase their melee potential.

Vajra - Mysterious migrating space creatures. Largely insectoid in nature, the Vajra consist of a queen and a vast hivemind of drones under that. The hivemind utilizes the fold bacteria, microorganisms that carry rare fold quartz, within Vajra's bodies in order to communicate as well as to travel via Space Fold and even bypass fold faults. The Vajra Soldiers are biomechanical and range from smaller "fighter" level units up to whole "naval carriers" and "destroyers". While immensely powerful and highly adaptable due to the queen's ability to retrieve information from fallen Soldiers and produce upgraded units almost immediately, the Vajra are generally peaceful and typically only act in self defense.

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The Five Star Stories:

Mortar Headd - The mobile weapon of choice in the Joker galaxy, for the comparative few able to use it at least. Based off of centuries of development and technology too ancient and esoteric for most to reproduce accurately, if at all, a Headd is excessively advance in its systems and construction. The frame and components of an MH are fashioned like a humanoid skeleton, with its internal modules behaving as lungs and muscles to the machine. The heart of the Mortar Headd being the Ezlaser engine.

The average Mortar Headd, measured from the ground to the top of its shoulders, stands at about 15m tall. Their primary attribute is agility; even MH heavily laden with armor have an impressive range of motion thanks to their skeleton-like frame.

Headdliner - People born with the inherited genes of ancient, augmented warriors necessary to wield a Mortar Headd. Effectively anyone in the Joker galaxy could be born a Headdliner with how old yet potent the warrior genes are. The traits of a Headdliner surface fairly early for most, however there is the odd "late bloomer" who undergoes a rather gruesome metamorphosis from a standard human to a super soldier as opposed to the somewhat gradual growth of the standard development.

A Liner's physical attributes have the capacity to be leagues beyond human comprehension, crossing great lengths in mere seconds, leaping meters into the air, and moving faster than most bodies could even "think". However, with the steadily dissolving and devolving genes of old, this inhuman power is simply a luck of the genetic draw to what manifests and to what extent.

Fatima - Artificial humanoids designed to mentally interface with a Mortar Headd and serve a Headdliner as their copilot. As biologically fabricated beings, Fatima are all gifted with pristine, exaggeratedly statuesque bodies. A Fatima is a living work of art and a labor of love, the creation and development of one taking years of constant resources and input; however, to many Liners this sentiment falls flat.

As purpose made assistants to Headdliners Fatima are granted with a similar physicality, but under Joker law a Fatima cannot be made with greater ability than a Liner; if one went rogue then it would be a great labor to retrieve or neutralize it, and for this reason any Fatima created with such parameters is legally required to be "sealed" via stasis or otherwise neutralizing it. When a Fatima is fully developed, its characteristics are graded on a scale from E to A, and with all accounts taken it is given a final "clearance" grade. If a Fatima's stats are totaled too low, then they are given the lowest grade and are "cleared for scrapping".

Fatima are mentally conditioned with several blocks to ensure they serve their purpose: Only a headdliner may be chosen as master, they obey only the orders of their master, a new master must be found after the current one dies, they may not harm humans unless ordered to by their master, they must respect humans as better than themselves, and they may not attempt to pass themselves off as humans. Fatima with stronger parameters are more likely to bend these conditions or have the blocks lapse momentarily. Thusly, striking a balance between strength and mental control for a Fatima is key.

Ezlaser Engine - An impossibly advanced marvel of engineering. The Ezlaser is an external combustion engine that harnesses photons and transfers them through a reaction to create pulses of energy tens of thousands of times per second which ultimately culminate in energy waves that flow throughout dedicated conduits and systems. Current Ezlaser engines measure a mere 1 cubic meter in size, allowing them to be utilized in a myriad of different machines from MH to warships. Their immense power, often translating in over a trillion horsepower, is however dependent on ambient "photon mass". The Joker star cluster, being a quaternary system with a large, migrating 5th star has a deep wealth of photons to supply Ezlaser engines. Meanwhile a small system such as the Sol system with only the 1 yellow sun would supply a drastically less efficient quantity of photon mass for an Ezlaser's function and results in a far less superior power system.

Speid - The common physical blade in the Joker galaxy, for both person and MH. Not to be confused with a Spaad, a device wielded by both humanoid and MH that emits an energy blade.

Veil - A shield utilized by Mortar Headds. While they can vary in size depending on the unit, the Veil is a vital part of the Headd's systems as it carries its own Ezlaser engine to augment the MH's power. Additionally, the Veil houses many of the unit's secondary weapons such as spare speids and anti personnel devices.

Diver - Those born with exceptional genes that effect the mind, allowing them to sense and utilize the mysterious energy of the universe. While lacking the physical enhancement of a Headdliner, a Diver could still be considered more powerful than a Liner with the great power that they can invoke. The standard Diver can conjure balls of fire, call forth bolts of energy, emit deadly force with a mere thought, disappear and teleport, and effectively anything in between; a Diver need only hone their control of the universal energies to learn new abilities.

There are however other ways a Diver's abilities can manifest. A Para Simul has heightened sense of the universe and its energy which allows them to see throughout time and space. Meanwhile, the Highbrain is able to cast their mind over the weak, bending them to their will and controlling their actions. Lastly, the exceptionally rare Alchemy Diver which is granted an even greater mind than all others. Their exceptional brain granting them inherent understanding of creation and construction, math and science incomprehensible to most, and therefore the ability to shape and manipulate the physical world through "alchemy". Very few Alchemy Divers exist at any given time, however the remnant genes of ancient Alchemy occasionally manifests partially and provides the world with a new genius inventor or scholar.

It is possible to have more than one or two of these "specializations" as a Diver. Those rare few who have been granted the ability of all Divers are called a Diver Force

Baiya - A rare fusion of the genes of a Headdliner and a Diver which results in the creation of a true superhuman. With the individual traits of both already being incredibly scarce, the birth of a Baiya is truly a marvel.

Overman King Gainer:

Overman - Biomechanical small size Mobile Weapons that are constructed using a mixture of conventional machinery and ancient super-technology
While often of very particular and deliberate designs or uses, they're relatively easy to mass produce certain models or create derivatives. Due to their complex, malleable and flexible construction, Overmen are considerably hardy and agile. Their layered system of mechanisms and armor, consisting first of a skeleton with individually motorized artificial muscle clusters which is then covered in a sort of suit to contain these systems along with fluids necessary for their operation, then an outer, more armored layer of much the same followed by any additional true armor such as breastplates, helmets, or otherwise non integral systems.

This construction makes Overman damage more like patching up human injuries, requiring taking off outer armor in order to access any lacerations or holes put into the inner suit.

The cockpit is in the chest or abdomen; panoramic monitors are standard and the space can fit 3 people if necessary.

Ancient/Early Overman - The first Overmen were created much the same way as their contemporaries, but their quality and power are nearly unparalleled to this day. Many possess wills of their own, moving of their own accord and acting on inscrutable whims; while they still have cockpits and relatively similar controls to the Overmen of today, their autonomy makes them rather unwieldy as pure weapons of war in untrained hands or those without the will to reign them in.

Overskill - A trait or ability inherent to every overman, its effect being unique to every specific model. Most Overskills are toggleable via a switch, button, or other apparatus within the cockpit of an Overman, however some Overmen have little reason to ever turn theirs off and others may simply have an Overskill that effects the Overman at a core level.

Overcoat - A detachable, additional layer of armor or equipment for an Overman. Some units rely on these more than others. Overcoats can supply an Overman with a variety of utilities depending on what is equipped ranging from simply carrying extra energy to increase an Overman's usage of their Overskill to actually adding a complimentary Overskill to the unit; however most Overmen are only designed with their own specific Overcoat in mind when it comes to actually equipping them- if they have one at all.

Oversense - A person's innate affinity for piloting an Overman, especially in regards to utilizing its Overskill. There is little known about the formation of this phenomenon other than the fact that those with high Oversense are likely to pass that down to their offspring. With Oversense, one is able to "bond" with and draw out the full and even latent potential of an Overman, using its tools in ingenious ways or creating techniques of sorts by applying the Overskill in specific ways. However, it has been observed that individuals can become "absorbed" by an Overman and become mentally unstable or erratic, especially after excessive use of an Overskill.

Photon Mat - An energy mass emitted by all Overmen. By controlling the rate of emission, Overmen are given their signature floating thrust and aerial movement and can even use the dense cluster of photons to attack or defend. Depending on the amount put out, the Photon Mat can range from being simply not visible to forming "gaseous" clouds of photons or the striking, halo-like Flying Ring which marks significantly high output.

Some Overmen rely on their Photon Mat to use their Overskill, some Overcoats simply increasing the range at which the Photon Mat can cover.

Silhouette Machine - A general term for a machine that is powered by a Silhouette Engine, a miraculous technology which utilizes vibration and heat energy at a molecular level along with a contiguous, integral shape (silhouette) to amplify and route that power throughout the whole unit. This process naturally produces heat and is a welcome byproduct for use in frigid climates. Because the entire structure of the machine constitutes the engine, a Silhouette Machine can sustain very heavy damage without suffering very much in the way of performance and are easily repairable; if a bipedal Silhouette Machine were to be bisected into a top and bottom half, both parts would technically still be operable separately.

There are some Silhouette Machines of considerable size called Silhouette Mammoths which often serve as their own buildings or have a specific utility as a structure.

Domeopolis - Covered and occasionally partially subterranean cities to house civilization in exceptionally harsh environments designed to be compact and self sufficient, relying on connectivity between different cities via integration with the global railroad networks. Some Domeopolis cities are constructed in and around giant mechanical structures which house their own old model Silhouette Engine design to keep from collapsing under their own weight and have broad solar panel arrays to draw energy and protect those under the "roof" from weather.

The King of Braves GaoGaiGar:

Trinary Solar System - The Trinary Solary System is, in truth, a cluster of 3 planets that are simply blazing with energy. These three planets are known simply as the Green Planet, the Red Planet, and the Purple Planet. Less noteworthy celestial bodies revolve around these 3. After the calamity of the Zonder mechanization, the Trinary Solar System is a wasteland and its "stars" no longer shine.

G-Stone -

Cain - The late ruler of the Green Planet. Unable to defend against the threat of the Zonder, Cain was forced to entrust the future to his infant son and sent the boy to the Sol system along with the faithful Galeon to watch over him.

Galeon - A leonine machine created by Cain to protect his son, the last survivor of the Green Planet. Designed to combine with a being bearing the burning willpower of the Green Planet, or by extension a G-Stone which acts as a conduit to generate such energy.

G-Stone - A special crystalline circuit capable of converting willpower into energy. Designed to mimic the son of Cain's purifying power, the energy of the G-Stone is a polar opposite to that produced by the Zonder; when the two clash they quickly destroy the other and leave the stronger source of power to remain. G-Stones are all linked via an "infinite information circuit". This circuit not only serves to send signals across vast distances, but also provides the basis for an "echo chamber" to convert an effectively infinite amount of willpower into effectively infinite energy provided there is such bravery within the hearts of those who bear G-Stones.

Abel - Late ruler of the Red Planet. Created the J-Jewel, a copy of the Green Planet's G-Stone, as well as the clone armies of the Soldato-J Division and the Arma series.

Soldato-J - Cybernetic soldiers of the Red Planet who bear J-Jewels and wield their power. As mass produced tools for combat, they are known only by numerical designations.

Arma - Bioweapons produced similarly to the Red Planet's cyborg armies. An Arma bears powers similar to the child of Cain of the Green Planet, able to produce powerful psychokinetic forces and purify Zonder.

Zonder - A mechanical lifeform born of a rogue machine meant to rid "minus energy", a collective term for negative emotions and stress, from the minds of the Purple Planet's denizens. Exceeding the scope of its initial programming, the machine evolved to mechanize organisms to not only meet its original purpose of eliminating "minus energy" but to go above and beyond and ensure that it would no longer be generated in the first place.

The Zonder are amorphous at a core level and are capable of shifting through solid matter and even taking in that matter to create more robust forms, culminating in the creation of a Zonder Robo which houses the Zonder itself inside a hardened core that is typically situated in a central location.

Zonder Robo - The result of a Zonder absorbing matter and/or infiltrating and taking over an existing machine or structure. Functionally an extension of the Zonder at its core, A Zonder Robo has the same amorphous traits and can easily mold its body into different modes, continue to draw in material to augment its size and power, and even regenerate over time from almost complete destruction provided the Zonder core is still intact.

Elementary Particle Z0 - Particles given off by the Zonder. They produce unique signatures and thus can be detected and tracked, however there are various ways a Zonder can obfuscate this- even simply by dematerializing and hiding within solid matter. In high densities, Z0 particles can Zonderize organisms without the need of Zonder Metal.

Zonder Metal - The foundation of all Zonder, Zonder Metal is the premier machine that eliminates "minus energy" from a host. When bonded to an organism, the Zonder Metal quickly invades their mind and brings out their latent fixations of stress to create a rampaging monster bent on fulfilling their desire until achieving closure. At that point, the resulting Zonder "matures" and begins to produce an immense amount of Zonder Spores which carry large masses of Z0 particles. If the Spores are left to develop fully, the Zonder is able to fire them all across a planet's surface and almost instantly mechanize a planet. This is the key to the Zonder's strategy.

Zonderian - A specialty Zonder that has "matured" well past being mere monsters. These Zonders are typically regarded as commanders and work under a master unit to coordinate the mechanization of a planet. While any Zonder can assume a human form, the Zonderians are most known for this as they "blend in" with the ordinary populace in order to scope out prime targets to create strong Zonder Robos.
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Apr 27, 2019
Magic Knight Rayearth:

Cail - An individual with the qualifications to be both a Dal and an Ile. A master of both sword and sorcery.

Dal - A master swordsman, one of the best in the world.

Escudo - A unique ore found only in (Cephiro). A rare crystaline mineral used in the creation of weapons for the Magic Knights, it acts as a form of spirit metal that bonds to its user and evolves in tandem with them. Weapons and armor made from Escudo can only be wielded by their bonded user, and are one of the qualities necessary to command a Rune God.

Guru - The greatest magician in Cephiro, and personal aide to the Pillar.

Ile - A master magician, or a high wizard. A person second only to the Guru in magical knowledge.

Magic Knights - Warriors summoned from another world to solve an existential threat to the land.

Mashin - Towering robotic figures that originate from the land of (Cephiro). Mashin are formed by the partnership of a mage and a sufficiently powerful spirit such as a Rune God.

Pharle - The master blacksmith of Cephiro, and the only person who can work Escudo into Magic Knight weaponry and armor.

Pillar - The Pillar System is the method by which (Cephiro) maintains its existence. When a Pillar is selected, that person must devote their heart, body, and mind to intensive prayer to the foundations of the land. Their single-minded willpower keeps the utopian country peaceful and stable. Each Pillar serves until their death, with the enchanted Pillar System chambers selecting the next suitable candidate from those present within the world. Should a Pillar be compromised or unable to continue their duties, they must perish for another to be chosen. In such cases, the Pillar may summon outside warriors (the Magic Knights) to do the deed. If the Pillar is unable to perform the summoning themselves, the matter may fall to the Rune Gods.

Rune God - Guardian deities that reside within (Cephiro), and are utilized by its protectors in its defense. Rune Gods can assume various forms, including as Mashin.

Sol - The high priest of Cephiro, who aides the Pillar in conducting their prayers.
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Apr 27, 2019
Battle Hymn of the Valkyries: Symphogear

Armed Gear - The offensive weaponry generated by a Symphogear. The forms taken usually corresponds to the underlying relic housed in the Symphogear, though it may be changed through the imagination and willpower of the wielder, or even combined with other Armed Gear into combination weapons.

Armor Purge - The emergency dismissal of the manifested Gear. Using the Armor Purge launches the Gear's components outward in an explosive fashion, leaving the wielder with only the core pendant. While this can be used as a last-ditch defensive measure, the Symphogear will revert to its inactive state, leaving the wielder unprotected until they can perform a fresh manifestation.

Aufwachen Waveform - The unique wave pattern emitted by each relic and relic fragment upon activation. By identifying and recording each relic's unique resonance, the activation of relics can be detected and tracked by sensors.

Barrier Coating - A musical defensive field emitted by an activated Symphogear. The stronger the Phonic Gain effect surrounding a Gear, the larger the area of effect - thus, even a single Symphogear can provide proximity protection against Noise carbonization.

Berserk - When a Sympogear wielder's emotional state is disturbed, the Symphogear can backfire and enter a berserker state. Users in this condition will use all sense of reason or sanity, but gain immense offensive and regenerative capabilities as the system overtakes their body. Berserk Symphogear users must be contained and pacified by force to return them to sanity.

Curse of Balal - An active disruption field generated by the moon that prevents humans from being able to understand each other. The destruction of the Tower of Babel coincided with the discovery of this effect, leading to the creation of the Symphogear.

Custodians - Interstellar beings who fostered life on Earth, thus becoming revered as its first gods. Also known as the Annunaki, or Babylonian gods.

Holy Chant - The short verse sung to activate a Symphogear.

Mental Imagery - The factor determining the form a Symphogear takes when manifested. As a Symphogear user develops in strength and experience, their mental imagery will naturally change, leading to changes in its format. Properly trained users can choose to adopt an earlier form of their Gear that uses less power, or (with enough concentration) alter its format for situational advantage.

Noise - Automata created by ancient humans to war against each other. Housed within the Treasury of Babylon, they are called to Earth through the use of alchemy or relics like the Cane of Solomon. When they come into contact with a human, both they and the human are turned to carbon and disintegrate.

Phase Contrast Barrier - A defensive field employed by Noise. It renders them incandescent in appearance, while also allowing them to phase between planes of existence to nullify conventional attacks or physical interference.

Philosophical Armament - A form of Relic empowered by human beliefs. It often embodies a singular concept from mythology, granting it powers beyond its construction or intrinsic ability.

Phonic Gain - The power of song. The more force, passion, and emotion a wielder can muster as they sing, the more potent their music. Phonic gain is the manner by which wielders fuel their Symphogear and increase its output. It can be enhanced through the use of harmony, interpersonal resonance, and additional magical equipment.

Relic - Items from legend and myth. Even a fragment from such a relic is sufficient to form the foundation of a Symphogear. Complete relics are incredibly dangerous items that can easily overwhelm a human ego if wielded.

Superb Song / Swan Song - The ultimate, but potentially sacrificial, attack of a Symphogear. The eponymous 'Battle Hymn' of the title. By singing a final Holy Chant, the system releases a cataclysmic amount of Phonic Gain all at once, sufficient to destroy an entire army. The sheer magnitude is more than a human body can handle, and will easily incapacitate or kill the user.

Symphogear - The FG-Type Revolutionary Specialized Armor. Able to respond to the synthetic vibration resonance created by the fighting spirit of the user, the Symphogear's greatest trait is its internal functionality to play a certain melody. The Symphogear itself plays the instrumentals and backing track of the song, and the lyrics naturally come to the wearer's mind, based on their thoughts and feelings. This allows the wielders to forcibly 'tune' Noise, enabling their destruction.

X-Drive - A heavily restricted super mode. In dire times when a singularly high Phonic Gain is present, the Gear may take on this angelic form. This form enables unassisted flight no matter the original abilities of the Gear.
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Aug 8, 2021
Zone of the Enders Terminology:

Orbital Frame:

An Orbital Frame or OF for short, is an advanced Mobile Weapon that makes use of Metatron in its technology. Orbital Frames are capable of manipulating multiple Metatron linked effects such as Urenbeck Catapults and Vector Traps. All Orbital Frame technology hails from the same predecessor, the Idolo, which is considered the base line for all manned Orbital Frames. While there are some mass-produced Orbital Frames, many are made purely as unmanned machines controlled by basic combat AI, although manned variant still exist.


A LEV or Laborious Extra-Orbital Vehicle is a simple Mobile Weapon, the base upon which Orbital Frames were built. Compared to Orbital Frames, LEVs have limited maneuverability and are usually man-piloted. LEVs can commonly be seen in military roles or even in working roles such as mining and construction.


The title given to an Orbital Frame pilot, usually due to the skill required to pilot an Orbital Frame in the first place. Depending if the Orbital Frame has had multiple pilots over the course of its operation, Runners can be titled sequentially depending on when they piloted the Orbital Frame.

Ex: 1st Runner of Jehuty, 5th Runner of Selkis

Vector Trap:

A field generated by Metatron. Vector Trap are unique in that they can compress space in a certain radius, allowing for the storage of items, deflecting of physical projectiles, and for the folding of space. Orbital Frames usually make use of Vector Traps to store weapons and sub-weapons, but more advanced units are capable of using Vector Traps via Zero Shift or by using the Vector Trap on oneself to become nearly intangible, disappearing into compressed space.

Urenbeck Catapult:

A Urenbeck Catapult is a system that makes use of Vector Traps in order to launch objects forward by folding the space around them. Machines such as Orbital Frames can make use of Urenbeck Catapults in the form of a function known as Zero Shift, allowing one to move short distances from one point to another in faster-than-light speeds. Only Orbital Frames with the proper OS and chassis are capable of such feats, mainly due to the strain it places on the pilot and machine. There are also large devices which make use of the Urenbeck Catapult in order to create faster transportation by launching ships through these devices.


C-Type is a term used to refer to Orbital Frames based off the Idolo design. While all Orbital Frames share their ancestry with the Idolo, C-Types are the Frames which fill out a similar niche to the Idolo. This niche mainly being a fast, agile, ace pilot machine that is usually manned. Prominent examples include the Idolo, Jehuty, Anubis, Neith and more.
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Staff member
Apr 17, 2019
Muv Luv Glossary:

Tactical Surface Fighter (TSF):
The Primary Weapon used to fight the BETA, they are bipedal, atmospheric-use mecha heavily influenced by the fighter jets of the real world. As the Laser-class BETA proved to be lethal to any and all aerial machines, humanity developed TSFs as all-purpose machines, capable of fighting in urban scenarios, and have the maneuverability of 3-dimensional combat. They are built of Super Carbon, and are further armored in composite anti-projectile and heat-resistant armor, further treated with an anti-laser coating.

Assault Cannon:
The primary weapon of TSFs, it is a combination of a rapid-fire chaingun along with a smoothbore cannon, capable of both thinning the numbers of weaker enemies, but also bombardment and high impact effectiveness.

Melee Halberd:
Mostly considered a fallback option should a pilot run out of ammunition, the Melee Halberds are commonly used melee weapons apart of the TSF's arsenal, capable of cutting through BETA ranks. There are many different styles of halberds, each designed with different sizes and centers of gravity in mind, they nonetheless pose a significant threat to the alien invaders.

Jump Unit:
A hybrid propulsion unit used by all TSFs, it is their main source of propulsion and provides a plethora of benefits to them both in combat and out of combat. A combined jet engine and rocket engine; the jet engine providing fuel economy for long distance movement, while the rocket engine provides quick and powerful thrust for combative maneuvering.

Fortified Suit:
The standard pilot suit for all who pilot TSFs, designed to protect against all the risks of piloting a TSF. Its midsection is made of a reactive material that hardens upon detecting a sudden shock or blow, and a strong neck brace protects pilots from suffering neck injuries during high-G maneuvers. The entire suit is locked into the pilot seat via two locking bolts at the lower back and four more in the suit's lower leg regions. At its core, the Fortified Suit is a highly-advanced development of spacesuit technology; not only can it hold advanced electronics, but it can monitor and handle human functions as well.

eings of Extra Terrestrial origin which is Adversary to the human race, or BETA, are the alien enemy present in the world. They vary immensely in size, the smallest being around 3 meters, and the tallest about 60 meters. They cannot fly, though their laser-class is capable of shooting down anything that does, making aircraft and aerial operations almost useless. They are carbon-based lifeforms and do not consider humans to be living beings. Their strength more often than not relies on their numbers and ability to win in a battle of attrition.

Scientific Name: Agilisis: Naris prolix
Common Name: "Barrus naris"
At 2.5 meters tall, 1.7 meters long and 1.5 meters wide,[3] the Warrior-class is one of the smaller strains of BETA, having high detection capability in the anti-personnel role, but ineffective against TSFs.[3] As they are extremely lightly armored, even handguns and rifles are effective on them. However, it is hard to actually hit them due to their agility, and once close their single trunk-like arm has enough strength to easily pull a human's head off.
Scientific Name: Venarius: Caput grande
Common name: "Venator"
Ironically named "Soldier", this BETA stands at 2.3 meters tall, 1.2 meters long and 1.4 meters wide and is the smallest strain of BETA encountered on Earth. First spotted in 1995, the Soldier-class has little to no capability against mechanized units, and is solely anti-personnel; it has the highest personnel detection capability amongst all BETA, arm and jaw strength several times that of an average human's, and is able to maintain relative silence during movement, making it harder for anyone on foot to detect their approach unless from the front.

Their size and low defensive capabilities means they can be dispatched by guns, knives, swords, or other weaponry effective against regular humans. Despite their size and strength, an adrenaline infused punch from an average built 16 year old boy is enough to make their frontal face turn ninety degrees.

Since 1995, scientific experts have pointed out their external appearances and their date of appearance as evidence of being based off humans; it was later confirmed that they are made from recycled organic materials (i.e.- humans who were captured or eaten), but it is not specified if that applies to just this strain or to all BETA. Furthermore, it is unknown whether the vaginal-like opening in the lower body of the Soldier class is actually used for reproductive purposes.
Scientific Name: Manderium: Ungulam crus
Common name: "Equus pedis"
The Tank-class BETA is the third smallest strain, measuring at 2.8 meters tall, 4.4 meters long and 1.9 meters wide. Infantry weapons are effective against them, but while it is lightly armored and classified as an anti-infantry unit, the Tank-class has gained notoriety as the smallest physical anti-TSF unit the BETA have; their physical strength and jumping abilities are prodigious and their powerful jaws can bite through even metal, concrete, and even super-carbon. Paired with their capability to reach 80km/h even on uneven terrain, Tank-class BETA are able to easily catch and demolish vehicles and TSFs. Countless numbers of battle tank operators and TSF pilots have been lost to this strain.

The Tank-class rarely travels alone; encounters usually number in hundreds if not thousands, and more if they are part of a major BETA force, where they can constitute up to 40% of the entire swarm. They carry a distinctive smell of sulfur, and can quickly cover a short distance by jumping onto a target.

Despite their vulnerability to infantry-portable heavy weapons, their numbers make any attempt at infantry-based counters a far too risky. For battle tanks and TSFs, great care should be taken to minimize melee contact with the Tank-class, as they have a tendency to latch on until killed, by which time it is entirely possible for them to have consumed enough components from the vehicle to disable it.
Scientific name: Luxcius: Duo oculus
Common name: "Lux"
At 3 meters tall, 1.2 meters long and 1.6 meters wide, the Laser-class BETA are some of the smaller anti-TSF units the BETA field, and are lightly armored enough that they can be easily taken down with heavy machine guns. Their giant eyes fire lasers that are effective against targets of up to 10 kilometers high and 30 kilometers from where the Laser-class stands.

With the capability to track targets from 38 kilometers away, 12 seconds in-between each shot, and a perfect record of never hitting allied BETA strains in a crossfire, the Laser-class played an instrumental role in shutting down mankind's air superiority on the field of battle, and continues to be a deadly anti-air force to this day.

Due to the G-Elements required in their production, Laser-class are not normally produced by smaller Hives. Although best known for their adaption to be used against human aerial units, they are primarily used to break down rock and materials.
Scientific name: Magnus Luxcius: Unioculus
Common name: "Magnus Lux"
Towering over the Laser-class at (excluding the cooling fins) 21 meters tall, 15 meters long and 11 meters wide, the Heavy Laser-class is a larger strain with firepower to match. Their large size affords them some protection against 36mm cannon fire, necessitating the use of 120mm cannons; even then, a quick kill is only possible with a direct attack on its laser-emitting "eye" when it is not closed; its only physical weakness. Their giant eyes fire lasers and are effective against targets of up to a mere 500 meters high, and a spectacular range of over 100 kilometers with 36 seconds in-between shots. Likewise with the Laser-class, the Heavy Laser-class shares the distinctions of never hitting allies in the crossfire, and requiring some time for its laser to reach maximum output.
Scientific Name: Rrabidusius: Bracchium acutas
Common name: "Medium"
The Grappler-class measures 12 meters tall, 19 meters long and 28 meters wide, is armed with two extremely tough forearms, with hardness 15 on the Mohs scale, which they use to batter enemies to death, and can also act as shields against poorly-aimed weapons fire from the front. While not particularly fast, the Grappler-class is considerably mobile and nimble in combat, and is capable of turning to face a different direction quickly, with anything within a diameter of 39 meters of its position falling within attack range from its claws. Because of this, it is recommended that pilots attack from the sides or rear to minimize exposure to danger, or to take advantage of its relatively unarmored body with precise shots and good tactical judgment.

It is the main BETA unit in battles against mechanized infantry and TSFs; in any BETA group, the Grappler-class usually numbers 60% of the total force. Despite its looks, the head-like appendage on its body is only a sensory organ; it is key to take this into account when engaging the Grappler-class, as just destroying the appendage will not kill it.
Scientific Name: Impestusis: Arma duras
Common name: "Ruitare"
At 16 meters tall, 18 meters long and 17 meters wide, the Destroyer-class is the second main strain used by the BETA against humanity's mechanized forces. They have extremely tough frontal armor in the form of a partial body carapace, with hardness 15 on the Mohs scale in front. Underneath that covering are two small heads.

Due to that front carapace, their survivability against frontal attacks are extremely high. In addition, their armor boasts a regeneration ability described as "phenomenal"; while not instantaneous, this means that a Destroyer-class left alive will someday return to the field again. The patterns on its shell are scars caused by tissue regeneration; a new Destroyer-class typically has an unblemished green front.

Their main mode of attack is to ram into enemies at high speed, a tactic made possible by their tough frontal armor and their capability to reach and sustain speeds of up to 170km/h across open ground. However, they have poor turning capability and their unarmored rear is comparatively weak, giving pilots who manage to maneuver out of the way an easy kill; even 36mm cannons work if the Destroyer-class is shot at from behind. Their anti-personnel detection ability is the lowest of all BETA strains, making it possible to effectively deploy man-portable heavy ordinance against them.
Scientific Name: Pergrandium: tria corpus
Common name: "Gravis"

Towering above most things on the battlefield, the Fort-class, at 66 meters tall, 52 meters long and 37 meters wide, is the largest of the seven main strains; because of their large size, a TSF would require 120mm cannons or close-combat weapons to cut these behemoths down to size, with great care given to specifically target the sections in-between the three main segments of its body for maximum stopping power. Otherwise, the next option would be land artillery, or battleship cannons. It can attack with its ten legs, and those hits are extremely powerful; easily stabbing or bashing through a TSF with one hit.

Each Fort-class also has a 50-meter long tentacle attached to its rear end, with a Mohs 15 stinger on the end which secretes an extremely strong acid; the stinger, which has been known to destroy naval warships in shallow-water combat, can be, if given the opportunity, launched as a projectile for a short distance or even swung around with a fairly high degree of control - a Fort-class is capable of accurately attacking targets to the side or even behind itself without hitting its own legs or body segments. They can also carry several smaller BETA of varying strains inside them; pilots should pay extra attention when around the corpse of a Fort-class (especially during the messy aftermaths of a large battle), as its occupants might be alive and well, waiting for a chance to strike.
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Mar 31, 2019
Trails of Cold Steel:


The pilot of a Divine Knight, one who has overcome a trial from the "shadow of the Great One". Usually involving besting a shadow in direct combat, without use of a mech.

Divine Knight:

A group of seven humanoid weapons, each roughly seven meters tall.
Valimar, Ordine, Testa-Rossa, Zector, El-Prado, Argreion and Ishmelga.

They gradually arrive during times of conflict and select their pilots, or Awakeners, through a trial. Some may possess unique modifications of this trial or be drawn to different aspects of one's personality. These machines draw their strength from their user, mimicking their combat style through a connection between Awakener and Knight. A symbiotic relationship that goes both way, as while a Divine Knight is piloted any damage inflicted upon it is felt by its Awakener.

Rivalry of the Seven:

Also known as the Rivalries, are a series of duels which can only be set off when the 'world is on the brink of destruction' where the seven Divine Knights engage in a series of battles against one another. These must be done in areas of notably high mana. During these battles it is possible for one Divine Knight to absorb another and as such permanently acquire its power or to make the defeated its vassal should both parties agree.


If an awakener dies while their Divine Knight sustains non-lethal damage they will return given enough time, becoming an Immortal as a result. Their life connected to the Divine Knight until either the Divine Knight is destroyed or the pair lose in one of the aforementioned Rivalries.

Magic Knight:

In contrast to Magic Knight Rayearth, these Magic knights are unmanned autonomous creatures. Golems which appear and attack indiscriminately when the leylines are too active.
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Mar 31, 2019
Code Geass:


A manifestation of desires from the person, the Geass is a power granted by another. Each is different, working with different rules restrictions and otherwise. Normally it is only activated when one aims to but as it grows stronger with every use so too can the Geass grow out of control or in the worst cases consume them.

C's World:

Also known as "The Gods", C's world is a place where all human consciousness, living and dead, resides. It is also presumed to be the afterlife. The only way to access this world is through the "Thought Elevators" mysterious stone structures tied to Geass whose true purpose is not known.


A rare material which is bright pink in color, it functions as a superconductor. Known among some as "the Exploding Rock" for its volatile nature when unprocessed.


Mar 31, 2019
Hades Project Zeorymer:

Dimensional Coupler System:

A perpetual motion machine, extracting infinite energy from other dimensions for use in its systems specifically antimatter. Enabling the Zeorymer to regenerate, have an omnidirectional barrier, teleport and never truly run out of energy as long as the DCS is still connected. It provides over two third of Zeorymer's total energy output.
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New member
Dec 28, 2020
Full Metal Panic!

Black Technology: A term that represents an overarching category of technologies far removed from conventional science and modern engineering. Although Black Technology has principles that can be discerned, and individual technologies may often be incorporated into the technological mainstream with application of effort, some pieces of Black Technology are completely baffling and seem to outright violate physical laws. The only known source of Black Technology are the Whispered, a rare category of humans with an exceptional grasp of nearly all categories of modern science. A Whispered is also "gifted" with a specific pool of knowledge regarding Black Technology, usually centering on a single device or wider categories. Armed with these capabilities, any Whispered is an incredibly valuable resource - and as unfortunate as it is, it has also made them targets for exploitation, with several parties actively seeking out existing Whispered for their own use or seeking insight on the factors that lead to their manifestation.

Arm Slaves: The term "Arm Slave" is the shortened form of "Armored Mobile Master-Slave System", and it refers to a type of humanoid combat machine that only exists due to the incorporation of Black Technology. The modern Arm Slave is an eclectic combination of specific advancements that pushed the concept of a single-operator powered armor into the realm of the mecha; using artificial Muscle Packages and frame design inspired by various advances in biomechanics, a modern Arm Slave also encompasses miniaturized reactors, the ECS camouflage system, electronic warfare, precise avionics, and highly specialized armaments. Unable to sustain strategic-scale warfare and optimized for lightning-fast engagements, these machines do not walk or fly - they sprint and leap, crossing colossal distances in a single bound to decimate opposition before slipping away into the night. Although some older AS models may eschew these design philosophies for the simple role of a walking tank, the dexterity inherent to their frames is possibly the Arm Slave's greatest strength, and the most capable AS frames push this advantage to the literal limits of human resilience. Some experimental, latest-generation Arm Slaves even make use of the Lambda Driver, a potent piece of Black Technology capable of manifesting the pilot's willpower and emotional states into pulses of physical interference - literally making the machine itself into an extension of the pilot, and granting them an incredible force multiplier.

ECS: Short for Electronic Conceal System, ECS is a form of active camouflage derived from Black Technology. Using a high-powered laser, any machine equipped with ECS can essentially be rendered invisible from most forms of electromagnetic detection. However, there are telltale signs of ECS operation - the scent of ozone in the air marks the presence of a concealed machine, and the technology is not infallible. Although it can respond to sudden, violent changes in environmental conditions and even allows its operator to continue observation from within its cloak of invisibility, the power requirements of modern ECS remains positively monstrous, precluding its use in active combat when mounted on an Arm Slave. Additionally, rain is one meteorological condition that ECS cannot account for, and older models may be unable to fully obscure vehicles from visual detection, only masking infrared signatures or radar. New advancements have lead to the potential for counter-ECS technologies such as ECCS (Electronic Counter Conceal System), allowing for engagement of hidden targets.

Lambda Driver: A piece of Black Technology that allows for the translation of an operator's psychological impulses into literal impulse, the Lambda Driver seems to defy the laws of physics by producing tangible results with no apparent mechanism. Although powerful, the device has two notable limitations that heavily restrict both its pool of viable users and its actual application: first, stable use of the Lambda Driver requires near-perfect focus and synchronization, to the point that extreme application of psychoactive drugs may be the only recourse for less-compatible pilots. Second, operation of the Lambda Driver produces immense amounts of heat, forcing machines installed with it to deploy dedicated heat exchange systems to sustain operation. Several experimental AS models actually rely on the Lambda Driver simply to maintain operation-capable status or to prevent self-destruction through overstress, making the potential for overheating an Achilles' heel.
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Mar 31, 2019

Zoid - A large, sentient biomechanical organism. Despite their size - ranging anywhere from roughly three meters tall at smallest and exceeding thirty-five meters at largest - each 'species' of Zoid is patterned after some form of organic life such as beasts or insects. Some Zoids are further fusions of multiple creatures or based on mythical monsters. All Zoids possess some degree of intelligence, being at minimum as self-aware as their biological counterparts and generally more so. Exceptional examples have exhibited near-human sapience and exhibited the ability to freely communicate with the pilot. Zoids naturally occur in a wild, feral state but tend to harbor a remarkable degree of non-aggression towards other lifeforms and are, generally speaking, quite easily tamed and domesticated.

Having evolved progressively further from their organic roots over time, all species of Zoid have naturally developed cockpits and/or controls of some manner adapted for use by humans in a unique form of symbiotic relationship. That said, a Zoid cedes control to the rider by choice and is under no compulsion whatsoever to obey said controls. An unruly or mistreated Zoid is wholly capable of bucking the would-be pilot by forcibly ejecting them from the cockpit.

Zoid Core - The Zoid Core functions as the heart of the Zoid. Over time as Zoids evolved their remaining organic components such as brain, heart, lungs, and digestive tract gradually atrophied and vanished as those functions were taken over by the centralized Core. As a result the bodies of Zoids are fully mechanized with the mysterious contents of the Core as the only exception. While this means that 'injured' Zoids can almost always be repaired to full operating capacity as easily as any mindless machine, on the other hand a Zoid whose Core is damaged or destroyed will almost certainly die a permanent death even if the remainder of the body remains in pristine condition. Unfortunately, due to the extreme complexity of the hyper-compact Zoid Core and the fact that even the most benign exploratory procedures result in catastrophic failure and rapid degradation of the Core tissues, their inner workings remain a complete scientific unknown.

Reggel - Zoid 'food'. A naturally occurring, thick red-orange gelatinous substance, Reggel is the only sustenance required by modern Zoids. While it has been studied extensively as an alternative fuel source, using any known process it has proven ultimately inferior to other renewable energy sources. The only exception is the Zoid Core; the metabolic processes by which a Zoid extracts energy from Reggel are unknown but staggeringly efficient, as a mid-sized Zoid such as a Liger-type is capable of operating for an extended period on as little as a bucket-full. Formed by a tectonic process, Reggel bubbles to the surface as small pools, particularly in regions of heavy volcanic or hot spring activity. Reggel can also be produced artificially in Generators, though there is rarely a need as it is used for little else and therefore natural supplies are abundant. Wild Zoids instinctively feed on Reggel, but nearly all species sport convenient fueling ports as well.

Organoid - A small, sapient biomechanical lifeform. Resembling miniature Zoids and generally, but not always, possessing a therapod body-form, organoids are exceedingly rare entities. Approximately the height of a man in the case of therapod-like examples, they share many similarities with their much larger cousins. Of note is their intelligence: every recorded organoid has demonstrated human-level thinking and reasoning skills. Though a thorough investigation of the organoid body structure has never been attempted due to their rarity, they likely possess a smaller analogue to the Zoid Core. While not as easily repairable as a Zoid, organoids can be naturally rejuvenated by a rare mineral known as Zoid Magnite.

While physically far more powerful than a human, capable of flight through built-in thrusters and sometimes other means, and resilient with their metallic hides, the greatest asset of an organoid is their ability to fuse with the Core of a normal Zoid. In doing so the organoid naturally enhances the Zoid's performance by a significant margin as well as serving as a sort of co-pilot. Some organoids also possess a secondary ability such as enlarging the fused Zoid or causing immediate mutations. It is thought that the long-term use of an organoid is what results in the evolution of one Zoid species into a totally new, divergent species. Furthermore, fusion with an organoid is the only known way in which a damaged Zoid Core can be saved from death, as organoids are able to bestow their fusion partners with limited regenerative properties.

Naturally highly sought-after by users of Zoids due to their incredible utility and value, only a handful of organoids are known to exist in the present day. A few select Zoids possess what is known as an Organoid System, which functions in a limited capacity as though it were an organoid permanently fused with the Zoid's Core. Said Zoids exhibit organoid-like intellect of their own, enhanced performance, and a potent potential for learning and are known as an Ultimate X.

Ancient Zoidian - A race of ancient peoples who were the first to encounter and interact with Zoids. Resembling stock humans anatomically, Zoidians are easily distinguishable by their metallic skin. A lustrous silver, it is far tougher than bare flesh yet somehow equally supple and warm to the touch. Full-blooded Zoidians feature such a covering across their entire bodies, but those who are interbred with humans gradually exhibit progressively less until it disappears completely after a number of generations. The exact pattern of metallized skin in part-Zoidians is unique to the individual, almost like a fingerprint. Aside from a few scattered communities primarily composed of part-Zoidians the race as a whole is considered functionally extinct, though full-bloods do still exist in incredibly small numbers.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2019

Getter Rays: Cosmic rays that induce evolution, theorized to have played a powerful part in mankind's development. Getter Rays appear to have some form of sentience, but the full details are uncertain. Neither good, nor evil, they simply drive the progress and growth of life in the universe. Getter machines are named as such from, and typically run on Getter Ray reactors.

Invader: Malevolent organisms from beyond the Oort Cloud that attacked the Earth, a parallel form of evolution that originated from microorganisms. Invaders are parasites on the Getter Rays, able to fuse with flesh and machine alike, displaying phenomenal strength and durability, as well as shapeshifting capabilities. Their primary weakness is the Getter Rays themselves, which have rejected them as unsuitable, and which cause them to over-evolve into a boiling, teeming mass before a messy demise. Many details, such as the true master they serve, remain unknown.

Getter Emperor: A titanic existence that is the pinnacle of Getter, a machine of unspeakable power. Simply through the act of combining, it generates an explosion on the same level as the Big Bang. In the far future it fought the alien Andromeda Country, decimating their numbers as it continued to grow endlessly, absorbing everything in the galaxy it touched. It is an "absolute evil", but also a "necessary evil" that exists to protect humanity in a galaxy where resources are fought over bitterly by various species, and things such as diplomacy, kindness, and peace are nothing but a pipe dream.


Orphan: An enormous organic alien spaceship that fell to Earth millions and millions of years ago after a conflict with another of its kind in the atmosphere. Orphan is over 150 kilometers in width alone, and has been slowly rising from the seafloor since it was initially discovered by scientists, causing terrible earthquakes across the planet's surface. The Reclaimers take up residence in its halls, believing that Orphan wishes to return to the stars, and that their DNA will be preserved within it, much like Noah's Ark. Orphan itself has an uncertain degree of sentience, able to influence those in its vicinity with visions that sway them to its cause.

It is believed by some that when Orphan leaves the Earth, it will take with it all the organic energy on the planet, draining it of all life, but this theory is uncertain.

Antibody: Semi-sentient, bio-organic humanoid weapons that are born from Plates originating from Orphan. They come in two varieties: Brain Powerd and Gran Cher, thought to have stemmed from two separate Orphans, and are as their name suggests part of the organism's innate immune response to outside threats. An Antibody needs a human pilot, and without one will harden over time and die. Regardless, they can be picky of their pilots, choosing to close off their cockpits and refuse access.

Antibody Reaction: A biological change that occurs in those who witness a Revival, it reflects the degree to which an individual human being has become attuned to their Antibody. Those who pilot Gran Cher become more aggressive, displaying greater devotion and even obsession with Orphan, and have heightened reflexes. Those who pilot Brain Powerd tend to experience more positive, calming emotions and greater capacity for caring. The sensation from riding a Gran Cher for the first time can be extremely unpleasant for some, and considerable testing is done to evaluate an individual's level of Antibody Reaction by the Reclaimers to ensure peak performance.

Plate: A metalic disk-like object theorized to have fallen from Orphan during its initial descent to the planet millions of years ago. Many are buried within the earth's crust, and are dislodged by the quakes generated by Orphan. If left unchecked, a Plate may begin to move on its own, flying about and cutting through everything in its path, causing mass havoc. Once an Antibody has Revived from the plate, it can be kept and used as a base for the Antibody to rest and recharge on.

Revival: The process through which a Plate becomes an Antibody, emerging from the plate in a kaleidoscopic light show. Witnessing a Revival inspires the start of the Antibody Reaction in those who view it, and is a precursor to any aspiring Gran Cher or Brain Powerd pilot. Under certain circumstances, an Antibody may mutate and undergo a second Revival, but the exact conditions for this are unclear.

Organic Energy: The natural energy that flows through all living things, analogous to the concept of Ki. Antibodies use Organic Energy for attack and defense, as well as day to day motions. Because it is a naturally abundant resource, it recharges over time with no need for a power generator of any kind, but this process can be accelerated by placing an Antibody on a Plate. Orphan has shown it is capable of manipulating Organic Energy, but unlike the Antibodies, it does not seem to be able to generate a Chakra Field capable of stopping projectiles.

Fluid Suit: Clothing worn by Antibody pilots that better allows for the flow of organic energy through the pilot, attuning them to be closer in sync with their Antibody. Reclaimers wear close-fitting garments, while the Novis Noah's pilots tend to use baggier ones.

Silt Wafer: The lightweight, organic metal that makes up Antibody frames. While smaller wounds can be healed over, replacing things such as limbs in the original setting is next to impossible.

Vital Net: Highways of densely-packed organic energy that ring the globe. Through using these, it is possible for Antibodies to travel very long distances in a very short amount of time, hopping and skipping across continents in a matter of minutes. The Reclaimers make great use of this to collect Plates wherever they appear.

Vital Jump: A "hop" across the Vital Globe that is distinct to antibodies, with a unique visual appearance and sound. While it appears to be a "warp" it is in fact closer to "instantaneous movement".

Vital Globe: The flow of organic energy that goes through all living things. Antibodies are able to move through this network with ease, allowing them to fly and make use of Vital Jumps to move quickly.
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Staff member
Feb 2, 2019

Individuals chosen to pilot Machina, infused with nanomachines that give them functional ageless existences, increased physical abilities, and the ability to call their Machina to their side at will.

To become a Factor, most often requires one be killed in the presence of a Machina. A Machina cannot allow a human to die on its own, and will consequently infuse the dying person with its nanomachines, bonding the two together.

There are certain visual cues that one may be a Factor, such as a pattern appearing over the eye, or across the sides of the mouth.

~15 odd meter class mecha that, in the Linebarrels of Iron setting, were manufactured initially as autonomous machines that resolved conflicts in human stead in the far future. They are notable for being equipped with nanomachines that are capable of reactive self repair, possessing both a main computer and a sub-computer that is connected to its Factor.

Machina possess a degree of sentience, and the knowledge of how to use them is passed along through the nanomachines to their factor, who they communicate with. The degree of this sentience (and the nature of the “personality”) can vary between Machina.

Mass production machines developed in the present of the Linebarrels of Iron universe by the Katou Organization to hunt and kill Machina. They use very similar technology, but without the nanomachines used by Machine, instead using neural connectors that plug into the spine, giving them extraordinary mobility and dexterity.

Arma size can vary dramatically from as small as a person, to as big as a battleship, and the degree of customization is high.

Meaning “human machine”, in the Linebarrels of Iron world, these are Machina that successfully achieved the “fear of death” necessary for “imagination”, and which are no longer bound by the laws of robotics.

Hitomachina can come in human sized shapes, and can equip Machina “exoskeletons” that are functionally identical to Machina, but are incapable of summoning them via Override.

A method of teleportation employed by certain Machina, allowing for instantaneous movement from one place to another at extraordinary speed. The distance traveled can vary from as little as a few feet, to (in some circumstances) traveling to the surface of the Moon.

This technology has a wide variety of applications, from the transportation of Machina to instantaneous changing of equipment, and certain Machina can even make use of it offensively to reposition opponents at their will. However, Override is extremely taxing on the human Factor, capable of inflicting irreversible harm if overused.

Nerve Crack:
A type of weapon and multipurpose tool employed on certain Machina, notably those of the Deceive line. Taking the form of spikes of metal, these employ nanomachines offensively to hack and take control of enemy aircraft, or bolster allies. For those whose bodies are infused with nanomachines, or otherwise connected at the nervous level to their mecha, this can even take the form of hallucinations.

There is a mental strain associated with their use on the human Factor, as well as a the potential for feedback if the connection is established to a suitably powerful entity, so they are to be used with great care.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2019

Space-faring alien parasites who, unable to evolve, infest other species and alter their forms to adjust to different environments. The Radam lifecycle involves attempting to reach the surface of the target planet, after which they burrow and transform into "Radam Trees", beginning the process of terraforming the environment into one more suitable for their kind. Once a certain threshold is crossed, these trees "bloom", and begin attempting to envelop the local populace, transforming them into the Radam's slaves.

Biologically modified individuals clad in armor with extraordinary abilities created by the Radam. They broadly fall into two categories: "immature" and "mature" - the former are gestated quickly by the Radam during the early stages of their invasion, and possess a higher degree of power as a result, but the process is also much more prone to failure. The latter "mature" type can take years after being absorbed into a Radam pod to grow, and generally results in a more stable, yet also less powerful result. One of the final stages of the process involves the introduction of a Radam parasite into the brain stem of the captive individual, enslaving them to the Radam's own will, but it is possible to interrupt the process before this takes place.

Crystals carried by Tekkamen than, when called upon, remodel the owner into their battle form. If the crystal is lost or shattered, it's possible to replace it with that of another Tekkaman.

Blaster Form:
A type of evolution that can occur in Tekkamen under certain conditions. It dramatically increases the already substantial power of the user, but the price it extracts is also comparably high, placing extraordinary stress on the body and mind of the user that can result in complete and total collapse, as well as loss of the self.

Fermion Weaponry:
Particle weapons that make use of Fermion particles, more easily understood as "Antimatter". Tekkaman utilize Fermions in their Voltekka weaponry, and it is later reverse-engineered into earth-made powered suits such as Sol-Tekkamen.


Solid Armor:
Highly advanced suits of power armor utilized by the spacefaring Evoluders. These fall into several classes: Scout, Warrior, Detonator, and Destroyer, each of which fulfills a different role. In Detonator Orgun, these suits are capable of withstanding the force of a Black Hole, designed to battle at several times the speed of light, and in some cases, are capable of obliterating a planet altogether on their own through the use of the "Grand Cross", which utilizes a gravity-lense to transform sunlight into a blast of unparalleled might. There are also Earth-manufactured replicas that offer lesser, yet comparable performance.

An alien race that evolved from the doomed space explorers of the Signalight Plan, who were dragged into a black hole and experienced thousands of years of time dilation, evolving into a completely different species, and becoming infused into their protective powered suits. What remains of their bodies is little more than atrophied strands of flesh and nerve endings, buried deep in their protective shells.

Antimatter Furnace:
A type of power generator used by Evoluders, forming their "heart". As a weapon of last resort, some in the Detonator class can release its stored energy as a mighty blast, comparable in strength to a Voltekka, but it often requires shattering the protective armor that makes up the body.
Apr 15, 2019

Cybertron was the home planet of the Transformers, the body of their creator, Primus. Cybertron was a shining metal, technological world; a planet of towering futuristic cities without end and vast metallic plains, spiraling metal mountains and bottomless neon-lit chasms. Cybertron fell nearly 4,000 years ago, with it’s refugees seeking refuge on Earth within the last 100 years.

Sparks: Like a heart, a Spark "pulses" at a certain frequency to animate a mechanical bodyframe; like a soul, a spark is generally accepted to contain some part of a Transformer's immaterial being, which persists after death by transcending into the afterlife.

Primus: The living god of the Autobots, Primus’ physical being was the actual planet of Cybertron, dormant for millions of years.

Unicron: Believed to be the dark counterpart to Primus by Cybertronian scholars, Unicron was an sentient planet that was responsible for the destruction of Cybertron, and is believed to have been destroyed in the conflict as wellZ

T-Cog: The “organ” that grants a Cybertronian their ability to freely transform and register new forms.

Energon: The main source of energy Cybertronians, Energon is often used as a catch-all term for fuels converted for their use.

Protoform: Protoforms are Cybertronians broken down into their most basic form: an blank slate comprised of raw, free-flowing living metal, the first stage in a Transformer's life cycle. These protoforms only await a life-giving spark and the alt-form information necessary to transform them into fully functional, living Transformer beings.

The Well of All Sparks: At the heart of an endless, cyclical process of birth, death and resurrection, the Cybertronian afterlife is an extradimensional realm that is the living essence of their creator Primus. It is the wellspring from which all Transformers' sparks are born, and the place to which they return when they die.