Fiji Jupiter & The Mu (WIP)


Staff member
Feb 2, 2019

Faction Name: Mu
Government: Gerontocracy
Capital: Fiji Jupiter
Territories: The Fiji Isles, an unknown, but considerable amount of subspace.
Population: Approximately eight hundred thousand humans, an uncertain amount of whom are Mulians, plus an uncertain, but significant amount of Mulians in subspace believed to be in the millions.
Goals: Restoration of the Mulian race, destruction/possession of non-Mulian species, completion of the Tuning in their favor.


A race of human beings from another world, the Mu appeared suddenly over the various capitals of the world over three hundred years ago. Possessing physics-defying weaponry such as floating cities, teleportation, and the ability to manipulate the fabric of reality through sound, a nuclear assault on the invaders set in motion what would come to be known as the Mu War, World War III, or The Great Destruction. Millions were killed in the ensuing struggle, with the final, inconclusive result being the Mu sealing themselves in an impenetrable barrier on the Isle of Fiji, as the fallout from the battle left the surface of the already beleaguered Earth uninhabitable.

Those within Fiji's walls have had their memories of these events erased, and live a pleasant, ordinary life, oblivious to the floating cities above their heads. The line between hostage and collaborator blurs, due to the unique nature of the Mu's existence.

By their own account, the Mulians were forced to flee their own dimension after a horrendous antimatter experiment caused it to suffer a spatio-temporal collapse. Unable to preserve the majority of their race and short on time, most of the Mu were placed into a state of ambiguous existence - trapped as shadows between this world and the next, phantoms linked to earthen constructs known as Dolems. These entities serve many functions in Mu society - bodyguards, assistants, and their primary armed forces - but each plays host to a unique Mulian soul in search of a human "match".


When a Mu spirit locates a human being whom they are compatible with, they merge with it, and the host finds their memories and personality being overwritten by the Mulians. When a certain threshold is crossed, the blood of the host turns blue - earning the Mulians the nicknames of "The Bluebloods". At this point, the transformation is often irreversible, and the triumvirate of human, Dolem, and Mu form a potentially devastating threat to humanity.


The Mu have been scarcely seen for the past fifty years, leading many to believe that they are either inert, or have perished within Fiji Jupiter's walls - but nothing could be further from the truth. Time passes faster outside than it does inside, where a scant 50 years has lapsed since the war. During this time, the Mu busied themselves with their grand project: the Ixtli, an Instrumentalist that, in theory, could "tune" the world through a grand song, completely reshaping the fabric of reality. Despite incredible commitment to this project, there were a vast array of failures - and the one Instrumentalist thus far who did succeed mostly empowered themselves, leaving the Mulian dream of conquest in doubt.

Still, they remain undeterred. Another Instrumentalist has been found and carefully prepared. As he reaches his seventeenth birthday, the time for the great Tuning - and their final victory - grows closer and closer with each passing day...

Look and feel:

The Mu are immediately recognizable on or off the battlefield... when they want to be. One of the major challenges facing global powers is that Mulian possession can happen any time, anywhere, to anyone - though the Beastmen seem to have some form of natural immunity, perhaps being deemed as "unworthy" or incompatible hosts. As such, an individual may already be a Mu plant - the only way to know for sure is to check for blue blood, and a distinct bruise on the host's body.

In their own element, the Mu's traditional clothing is a series of robes, jewelry, and facial paint reminiscent of a mixture of Earth's different cultures. Mulian phantoms reside in places of "comfort", their Arias ringing through the halls of their great temples, awaiting the day they will be freed from their prison.

Notable Individuals: Faction Leader, and anyone else who stands out. Notable aces or other NPCs that you want to use are recommended.

Limited Production Dolems:


Towering, extraordinary entities that straddle the line between work of art and weapon of war, each Dolem is distinct, but all possess functions that are beyond the grasp of even the most advanced technology in the Earth Sphere. Capable of enduring withering punishment and returning it in droves, millions perished at their hands during the Mu War. Each Dolem is harmonized with a specific Mu spirit, and certain individuals within Fiji Jupiter are able to synchronize with them, controlling them through their thoughts alone. This experience is described in vary terms, but to the uninitiated it is a nigh euphoric sense of invulnerability - one that risks being punctured, as if the Dolem perishes, so too does its master and accompanying spirit.

Information on individual variants will be added following their appearances.

Mass Production Dotems:


Little more than automatons, Dotems lack any kind of attached soul, and range from person-sized to around 20 meters in height. Easy to manufacture, cost effective, and armed with a Mulian laser capable of cutting clean through armor plates, Dotems (sometimes referred to as "D2"s) overwhelm foes with superior numbers, or act as screens and support for larger, more powerful Dolems.

There are smaller variants that serve as bodyguards and attendants for Mulian officials, but like their larger cousins, they exist purely as simple-minded functionaries built to enact specific purposes, and as such their appearance can range considerably.