Moonless Night Amaryllis


Staff member
Feb 2, 2019
Name: Rose S. Elwren
Alias: Dahlia Lycoris
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4
Weight: 118 lbs
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Purple
Ethnicity: Mixed European/American heritage.

Other Information: High Antibody Reaction, inherited spatial awareness.
Hobbies: Research, Flower Pressing, Competitive Sports
Likes: Orphan, being on her feet, independence
Dislikes: Family, electronic music, long loading times
Forte in Sports: Baseball
Favorite Food: Spicy Seafood Cioppino


Young Rose's childhood was mostly consumed by a knock-down drag-out custody battle. Her mother's slavish adoration of her father invited all manner of abuse and neglect, even long after their marriage had dissolved. Rose was an adept student and talented athlete, but lacked the main qualification her father desired above all others: that she be born a Newtype, like himself. As she grew older, she began to exhibit traits similar to those of gifted with greater spatial awareness, and her father subsequently attempted to reconcile - but she refused him, and in an act of violence, smashed a glass into his face. He would later be submitted to hospital, suffering a cerebral hemorrhage caused from a fall believed to be an after effect of her assault.

Unwilling to face her mother after this incident, at the age of 19, she dropped out of university and ran away from home, being smuggled to Earth, where she traveled as part of a small group of likeminded children seeking a place in the world. During a trip to Palau, she came into contact with a Plate, which responded to her call, and birthed a crimson Gran Cher. It wasn't long before a group showed up to take ownership of it, calling themselves the Reclaimers, and it was through them that she learned about Orphan, and its mission. Feeling a curious kinship with the entity, she joined with the group, and it wasn't long before she was welcomed into the halls of Orphan.

In her one year since joining their ranks, Dahlia Lycoris has become known far and wide as one of the Reclaimers most terrifying and efficient enforcers. Loyal, fierce, and passionate to a fault, Orphan knows no greater devotee in its ranks, and she has quickly risen to a place of prominence in spite of her youth, sporting one of the highest Antibody reactions on the face of the planet. To her admirers, especially within the Reclaimers, she is "The Lily of Orphan". But to her detractors in Indonesia, or to those on the outside unfortunate enough to have impeded her mission of gathering the plates, she has a more infamous nickname:

Yang Berdarah, or "The Bloody One".

Mobile Weapon:
Dahlia Gran Cher

Temperament: Aggressive. The level of synchronization is high, and it is considered among the very best fighters of the Reclaimers' forces.
*Dahlia's Gran Cher also possesses the Hyper Blade Hilt finisher in addition to its normal attacks.

Affiliation: Reclaimers

Combat Style: Flenser
Strengths: Few can bring out the strength of a Gran Cher better than Dahlia, whose high-speed, move-and-strike strategy maximizes the advantages of the Antibody. By alternatively reigning in, goading, and releasing the Gran Cher's aggressive spirit, she has cultivated a reputation for being extraordinarily visceral, dispatching foes in harrowing, bloody displays designed to send fear and intimidation through their ranks. Her ability to pick out weak points makes her a threat particularly for larger foes.
Weaknesses: Offense isn't necessarily the best defense, and having "no chill" isn't always a benefit. Dahlia may be quick to lay into a target that's not necessarily one she needs to fight, and her short temper can lead to an escalation where there needs to be none. Her focus is primarily on Antibodies, and outside of them her piloting skills are notably only average. Lastly, her willingness to get up close and blitz a target is necessarily high risk, but not always the best choice for an engagement that would be better fought as one of attrition.
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