Mournful Wandering of Furthest Ends


New member
Aug 15, 2021
Name: Sitta Marquise, also goes by Alana.
Age: 35.
Gender: Female.
Height: 170cm.
Weight: 42kg.
Eye Color: Hazelnut.
Hair Color: Brown.
Ethnicity: Martian.
Appearance: Yui Ikari from Evangelion.
Other Information:
-Blood Type: AB+.
-Marital Status: Widow.
-Family: Deceased Husband & Daughter.
-Occupation: Former Getter Ray Researcher. Anthropologist & Scavenger.
-Likes: Solitude. Reading. Expeditions, preferrably alone.
-Dislikes: Flirting. Talking about herself.
-Hobbies: Music, will often wear earphones to block out people around her.
-Favorite Food: Pocky and pastries.
-Favorite Song: In Other Words.
-Special Skill: Flexible enough to touch every spot on her back.

Biography: Sitta was born on Mars in the year AD 2845, being only three years old when Alternative V occurred. Due to the nature of her father working on Getter she was given a stigma at the young age of five after it was deemed a failure and forced to wear the sins of his deeds like they were her own. Were it not for the intervention of her uncle who was lucky enough to secure a spot to return to Earth with his work in the League for Algebra then she might've been left to rot on the wasteland with her parents who stayed behind after entrusting her to her uncle. She didn't understand why, her father was a hero who had done nothing wrong by trying to stop the evil invaders. It wasn't his fault, it wasn't their fault yet it didn't matter.

Growing up was lonely, she lacked a connection with her uncle. She had no real mother figure either due to his chronic cycle of marrying and then divorcing shortly afterwards. It was easier to seclude herself in books and whatever else she could get her hands on to absorb like a sponge. When she reached her teenage years, she moved out without much hesitation. Deciding that she would make it on her own rather than put up with these antics any longer. She graduated and quickly attended university to study medicine where she met her future husband.

In a world where she was happy to be alone and withdrawn, she was ill prepared for the way the spark he lit took over. That seclusion she enjoyed became hard to stomach, without him around her she found it hard to concentrate when he was gone. More importantly, she found his interest in Alternative V and specifically Getter Rays as distressing due to her own trauma at remembering how Getter took so much away from her and yet somehow those doubts went back to the back of her mind when they debated about the topic. Enough so that she became caught up in his research as well.

It was tagging along like that where everything went wrong, an accident that took his life. If her dream was to study humans' world then his was that she'd continue to light up the world with her presence. In that twist of fate she got to continue living, filled with regret that she didn't stop the research or try to push it harder. He was a sick man but she felt just as sick for letting it continue. After the loss of her husband, Sitta abandoned her status as a doctor and broke out into the world. Seeking to once again have that solitude that a younger her was happy to live in despite the fact that there wasn't that person that brightened it. It was loneliness she returned to where she drifted from contract to contract of going through wreckage of various wastelands as a mock archeologist to study and/or sell.

Mobile Weapon: Scopedog Light - [OG Scopedog colour palette].

Affiliation: Independent mostly. Takes contract work.

Combat Style: Lacking.
Strengths: Due to being mostly a researcher, there is a distinct lack of combat experience that comes with Sitta's abilities. For the most part she is better at being on the sidelines, using her environment as an advantage and playing more tactical.
Weaknesses: It's easy for her to plan a strategem but executing it is where the deficiency in her piolting and control abilities shows up. For that reason she relies on others to pick up the slack of her own abilities to fight effectively. Additionally, her mobile weapon is not maintained and will often perform suboptimally as a result of inability to take care of it.