[Mission] Clash! Do you know the name of Hachimoji? (Gear, MK)


Apr 11, 2019
December 5th
Africa, North of lake Chad
4:30 PM

"Unlikely allies; a new nakama is found; to face the giant."

Wind swept across the desert, shifting waves of Saharan dust and shaking the scarce scrubs of greenery clinging to the dry earth. Even through the destruction of the Earth's surface and its subsequent restoration, time still held the keys to this region.

Standing tall amid the flat, cracked earth was a lean, white figure. Enki faced the horizon to the north, clutching the hilt of the long blade stuck to its waist armor. The Gunman's 'head' hung low as if in meditation, meanwhile the sharp, crazed, predatorial eyes on its chest scanned the desert in front of it where minutes ago its gaze was fixed upon the small black spike marking the Foundation's tower in the distance, it now stared at a billowing cloud of dust and the ever growing figure at its center.

Inside Enki sat Purin, counting on her fingers. After a moment she nodded to herself in satisfaction and turned to look at the monitors to her sides. While she was grateful somebody had answered her call for aid, they were certainly cutting it close. 'I even made a beacon for my position and everything,' the feline beastman thought to herself, mildly indignant.
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Mar 31, 2019
"Ma'am, are you sure this was the best idea?" Eynde spoke to her Headdliner as the metal giant the two of them commandeered stepped through the environment. Making a precision landfall had not been easy so now they had to meet up with the person who had requested help, fortunately the Fatima had spotted something akin to a beacon on the way down.

"If anything a discrete opportunity to test the Junchoon against a formidable opponent is exactly what we need." Sylvius responded, dust billowed around them, cascading off the shield the machine held to its side as the white appearance of it became stained with the sand, her gaze went up to the star above. The Sun the locals called it, she couldn't exactly blame them for getting so attached to their lone source of life to give it a special name. Stant was similar in that respect as unique.

"Of course and I do not disagree, however the sand particulates that are dispersed into Junchoon will need to be cleaned ere they interfere with it on any future deployment, let alone this one." Sylvius opened her mouth to retort only to be silenced, after using something as robust as a Gundam Fighter for so long that small yet major anecdote had slipped her mind.

"Then we should finish this quickly." She instead noted as Junchoon stepped over a dune, spotting the strange machine in the distance. And looming over it in the distance, the Foundation's tower. "It appears we've made it in time." She could only imagine Eynde rolling her eyes at the notion, or something approximate to that. For her part she really needed to better account for the difference between the machine she had used the past five years and her true one.

"Hachimoji Purin I presume?" She called out to the exceptionally strange machine standing with its head low.
Apr 11, 2019
The eyes on Enki's chest drew their gaze to the side as Purin was hailed. The feline beastman regarded the approaching machine as it gracefully, if methodically, made its way across the sands. Junchoon's shaded, visored helmet and knightly armaments raised Purin's brow. Certainly off the mark as far as the human machines she'd seen so far. "Indeed so," Purin said frankly, Enki's chest mouthing along as it 'spoke'. The Gunman turned to face the MH and bowed, Purin's long sword pointing straight up from its mounting point as it did so. "The Hachimoji clan welcomes you and extends ts gratitude for your aid, Human." Enki straightened up and turned its upper head back in the direction of the approachingachine. "The enemy is nearly upon us, so we must cut our introductions short; sumimasen."

Purin pointed off in the distance to the west toward a seemingly plain set of dunes. "There's a number of ravines and valleys in the machine's path, from there is where we strike." Turning to face the MH once more, the Beastman continued. "There's no easy way to do this, but you seem like an honorable sort of human, and given you came that probably doesn't matter to you. As head of the Hachimoji clan, I once again extend my gratitude"


Staff member
Feb 2, 2019
"Hello? Hellooo? Testing! Teeeesting!"

An unfamiliar voice crackled over an open channel, one with all the saccharine cheerfullness of a used car salesman, puncturing the atmosphere of impending doom.

"This is the Foundation. As exciting as this situation is, our lawyers have advised us to warn you that was not a planned deployment. Our Type D is presently running amok for uncertain reasons. We apologize for the inconvenience."

His sentence was punctuated by a distant, thundering explosion, and the roar of an enormous footfall as the mountain of metal lurched into full view. Dancing manically about its feet were a scattered group of Scavengers, the avian automatons nipping at the machine's heels ineffectually as they sought to impede its advance. One, not quite as swift as the rest, gave a final mechancal screech before the gigantic MT's foot came smashing down, crushing it as flat as a pancake with a roar of metal.

"Oh, sure it'll run out of fuel and ammunition... eventually." Said the Foundation representative, airily. "As it does seem to be advancing on the nearest populated settlement. Unfortunate, but we will see to it that any victims are compensated accordingly."

There was a pregnant pause before he continued:

"While you're under no obligation, if you plan on halting its advance, we'd be very grateful."

It wouldn't be long before the massive weapon would be within firing range. Already its red, cycloptic eye was visible through the whipping, sand-laced winds, staring out at the surroundings as it plodded relentlessly onward. Accompanying it was something akin to ECM, a kind of jamming that only grew stronger with every passing second, but the source was not immediately clear.


Mar 31, 2019
Well that was unique, this world continued to terrify and amaze with every different machine Sylvius encountered. Most were still pleasant to the eye but this, with the mouth movements... It unnerved her, still she shook the feeling as her eyes moved forwards. At 'home' the machines were akin to art pieces on display in a gallery, this must be the 'modern art' people loathed so. As she was praised for her honor it was a weird day.

"Think nothing of it." She replied "But yes, let us focus on the battle. Eynde, if you would."
Switches flicked as there was the distinct click of a clasp releasing, the Mortarheadd grabbing the massive tube extending from behind its shield. The Lance clicked free as the free hand drew it. The voice that forced its way in rattled on as the Junchoon readied its Peidol spire. It had been a small eternity since it was fired, with repairs in between still she had full faith it would operate as intended.

Very calming that notion, eventually it would halt. The unclear definition of time brought frustration did they not know the operational time of their own machines?
"Target locked, minor radio interference detected. Compensating, compensated. Allies are advised to clear the forward 65 degrees. You are cleared to fire ma'am."
It was the simplest tactic, fire at long range and then switch to a blade if they drew close.
Finger on the trigger the Headdliner inhaled.

Energy carved is way through the air, bellowing forth in uncaring fury against anything opposing it. The Peidol Spire functioned as intended after all.
"Energy discharge confirmed, preparing to move the Peidol Spire back to the Veil and readying spaad for next combat phase." It was with rehearsed clarity the Fatima explained each step of the procedure, it was like a chirurgeon calling out equipment as already the machine moved to return the giant spear cannon to its shield cover.


Apr 11, 2019
Enki's heavy, metal brow raised as the transmission came in. 'These humans will say anything to make themselves seem in the right. They can't even send anything to clean up their own mess.' Purin and Enki nodded at the Fatima's words and began to dash across the dunes off to the side of the MH's firing line, adeptly stomping through the sand at an angle from the approaching mobile weapon. Clutching the hilt of its blade as it ran, the Gunman kept its eyes fixed on the target. Purin came upon a ridge of rocks and deftly lept up to stand on the more stable material, Enki digging its heels into the stone.

"The winds howl in the kingdom of beasts, roaring to oppose the unjust!"

"The earth gives way underfoot to swallow the unrighteous!"

"The sun beats down upon the lands, shining bright to burn the wicked!"

"I am Hachimoji Purin! I am the roaring wind! The mighty earth! The blazing sun! Go! Hashimoji Nijuusan Shuhou, Purin Hakaisha Taiyou!"

As the white Gunman shouted out, wildly gesticulating, a red light began to gather about its circular crest. With a final sweeping move and a dynamic pose, Enki pointed to its crest and a great, crimson beam erupted from it. The whole area around the Gunman bathed in red along with sands underneath the swiftly traveling solar powered attack aimed at the giant enemy's center.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2019
The mighty Peidoll Spire and Definitely-Not-Sun-Attack lanced across the desert, shattering bounders, leaving a trail of glass in its wake, and sending every animal that hadn't already cleared out straight for the hills. A pair of twin booms confirmed impacts, blossoming into explosions across the Type D's' chassis, and the two were rewarded with the distant groan of metal as it swayed a little more treacherously than usual, now vomiting black smoke from its frontal armor.

Its red monoeye swiveled to face them, glowing ominously. While the Enki might have had a more difficult time seeing, the Junchoon's keen eyes would have been able to assess the extent of the damage - the heavy, frontal armor of the unit, while still holding, now sported a pair of deep holes that exposed some inner mechanics, sparking and crackling. But now, they had its attention, and it wasted no time in answering in kind.

On the monstrous MT's back, the boxy structures as big as office buildings yawned wide - and unleashed a storm of guided missiles in their direction, enough to glass the entire portion of the desert they stood on with seeming little regard for conserving ammunition, a display of firepower that lit up the heavens even in the middle of a rising sandstorm.

Adding to this, the twin forward grenade launchers were raised, their finger like coverings clicking up and out of the way. Barrels as big as some MW were tall were brought to bear, the MT's AI calculating trajectories before these too were released in a thundering volley, aimed to catch any foe that attempted to evade the initial missile barrage, peppering the surrounding sands with artillery fire that would have been enough to level even the most resilient of fortresses.


Mar 31, 2019
"Retaliatory fire acknowledged, deploying countermeasures." Junchoon raised the Veil in front of its upper half, securing its neck and torso from the oncoming fire as its free hand grabbed the readied Spaad. The distinct lack of five solar bodies was being felt in these moments as it prepared for a defensive. As the hail of missiles burst forward a group of objects sprung upwards from the Headdliner at the behest of the Fatima within.

A soft click as the mechanism within the objects released its hold on the contents within, S-mines. Traditionally anti-personnel weapons but on a scale such as this served a secondary use. High velocity small projectiles were after all excellent for triggering warheads from missiles. The contents within the surprised sprung in a 360 degree circle above the Mortar Headd. Coating the area behind it in several half crescents of dust, violently leaping upwards from the impact of pellets as those in front were angled to cause havoc among the explosive barrage and coat the air in detonations, it was a measure of preemptive defense but not a perfect one.

That was what the shield was for, as behind it Sylvius felt the cascade of blows ripple through the machine. The grenades detonated around it sending sand upwards in much more violent a manner then the S-mine had done prior and coating the Junchoon and its Veil in the desert's dunes.
"Despite the lack of a direct hit, several parts will need to be examined for structural damage and dust particulate." Eynde graciously added as they still felt the last impact. "A concern for after the battle. Ready a retaliation."

"The Meight would be very disappointed in your stated priorities ma'am."

That was an issue for another day, a day that might never come. Likely would never come unless knights descended from the heavens to take them home. An unlikely twist that would be. "Consider the supposed disappointment noted."

"Yes ma'am."

Then again ever encountering a machine like that that could create a line of glass out of desert sand without the aid of a Buster Cannon, that was equally impossible. Her people would consider this place a hellhole of that she had no doubt, an uncivilized rock cast upon the shores of the cosmos filled with the bizarre and extraordinary, both sometimes at the same time.
What language was that even, some made up declaration of combat amongst the... People? Tribe? of this region.

As the clouds of darkness faded holes would be punctured through it, missiles. Different ones, clearly from the Junchoon but with its previously concealed state it was impossible to exactly tell where they had sprouted from. They were not nearly as numerous as the previous barrage but it was the turn of the giant to show what it was capable of doing against an assault as such.
Apr 11, 2019
Enki and Purin's eyes both widened at the volume of fire being lobbed their direction. With a considerably more expeditious pose, the Gunman leveled its arms up towards the oncoming cloud of missiles. "Hachimoji Kage Ke~n!" From the Gunman's wrists sprung forth its own spray of munitions, the metallic darts aiming to distract or destroy what they could.

Meanwhile a rectangular flap flipped up from Enki's shoulder, a line of brightly colored explosives ready for retribution. "Kagerou..." Rocket engines flared as the missiles launched, however they only traveled a short distance before exploding in a bombastic fireball to meet the Type D's missiles. "Escape Technique!" As the overglorified high explosive shells went off, Enki lept down behind its perch to avoid any missiles that would still make it through before bolting back across the sands farther to the side to get closer and flank the giant enemy.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2019
A cascade of explosions ripped across the desert as the Type D observed its missiles being intercepted from a distance, its combat computer carefully parsing the incoming data. The sound of its footsteps were almost deafening as it trudged forward relentlessly - in doing so, it turned its massive body to the side, resuming its stride towards the distant Beastman village, allowing the missiles from the Mortar Headd to slam furiously into its flank.

Flames rippled across its left arm, the smaller munitions evidently having managed to clip the ammo boxes on its elbows that stored the murderous grenades, which was in turn ejected, tumbling away into the desert sands as subarms began whirring to life, seeking to replace the lost component - but sparing the MH from retribution, for now. Overhead, the missile launchers groaned close as the thing seemed to drop into a slow crouch... and waited.

There was a building roar about its body, a growing light and enormous heat signature as it steadied itself, the overall effect being similar to a building swaying in the winds. As Enki drew closer and closer, the ECM grew worse with every passing second, static flecking the corners of the Beastman's screen, audio becoming scratchy and screechy to the ear, as not even the Gunmen's instruments seemed to be above its ability to affect.


Mar 31, 2019
Junchoon calmly began it's advance as the strike was confirmed the massive fireball that erupted in result was not what its Headdliner had expected from the assault.
"A blow well dealt ma'am, congratulations on dealing a dolorous stroke." the fatima praised her for the unintentional success regardless, had this been a match with the gundam she just knew there would be gentle clapping across the cockpit currently even amidst the worsening static that filled her ears.

"In less fortunate news the interference we're suffering is getting worse, it is worrying in fact but will be compensated for." continued the second voice in the Junchoon. "Please take care during your advance as this both appears proximity based as well as the unusual behaviour of the target indicates an additional advantage it has yet to reveal." Eynde continued on, relaying information as it came, it was useful but she no longer was the greenhorn she was before the two of them stranded here. Well at least in regards to actual combat experience, for specifically the SR-2 she very much still was. But that's part of why they were here.

"Prepare for a weapon like the Peidol spire." Sylvius remarked as the advance continued, light like that at such a range usually indicated a weapon like that, even here. And at short range it was a blast.

The machine guns on the Mortar Headd pelted the gigantic adversary cautiously as Sylvius made some test swings with her spaad, reacquainting herself with the weight of the blade.
Apr 11, 2019
Enki slid to a stop as it crested a dune. What was this, some sort of blinding trick? The light emanating from the Type D as well as the hazy cloud built up, but there was no way to just obscure one's view from something that size. Purin's ears twitched as she heard the giant machine groan and roar; this was more than a trick, and whatever it was she didn't want to have a front row seat just to find out.

Purin practically threw Enki back down the dune, half sliding half running. The Gunman continued to run along the natural depression, moving lower and lower in order to shield from any attacks as well as to change up the angle of approach for when Purin resumed her charge.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2019
Junchoon's machinegun rounds pinged and panged off the surface of the Type D, leaving black marks across its armored shell as it was enveloped in a cloud of smoke. And then, slowly but surely, impossibly-

It leapt.

Like something out of a physicists worst nightmare, the 80-meter behemoth soared into the air on enormous pillars of flame that scorched the land beneath it - the Enki's desperate scramble barely saving it as the sheer output from one of the thrusters vaporized the ground she had just been standing on. The noise and sound alone were nigh-deafening, nigh-blinding, as the behemoth hurled itself skyward with little more than brute-force thrust.

The machine was almost comically impassive, adjusting itself as it reached the apex of its jump... and then began to descend, on an equally impressive flare of its oversized jump-jets, legs thrashing in slow motion as it slammed into the wall of the ravine, kicking up an enormous fountain of boulders and rubble that cascaded down into the dark, depthless trench below.

One arm extended, and slammed itself into the rock as it hoisted itself upward, thrusters flaring and belching black smoke in a scathing cloud, having now managed to put considerable distance between itself and its pursuers. Seemingly considering this measure satisfactory, the giant MT resumed its slow march towards its target - the village, which would be entering its firing range in any moment, legs pounding the sands with a thunderous thud that echoed with every step...
Apr 11, 2019
Purin and Enki both gawked as the heap of hardly walking metal managed to fly, the Beastman's ears folding back at the roar of the Type D's atmospheric exit grade thrusters.

As the giant machine landed atop the periphery of the badlands' hilly expanse Enki would broadcast Purin's voice both electronically and through the mouth of the Gunman's chest. "We have to stop it now! Once it reaches the end of these mounds it'll be all over!" Enki pointed urgently at where the Type D was standing. "Everything you've got, hit it in the right leg! The right, got it!?"

The white Gunman struck a wide stance and threw its arms up as if it were flexing. The face on Enki's chest segmented itself and shifted open to reveal a veritable maw of firepower. "Hidenshuhou! Shun Goku Satsu!"

Missiles, rockets, cannons, all spewed forth their munitions at the Type D's right leg, meanwhile the ring atop Enki's helmet began to gather energy. The great red beam of solar power fired again, now aimed for the giant machine's foot- if not the raised land where it stood.
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Mar 31, 2019
As the bright flash of light erupted in her vision Sylvia grunted, and squinted, in displeasure. What an annoying machine, first it interfered with her systems and then it sprung a flashbang on her, those eyes very much needed to see future use so this treatment was not appreciated. However the leap was not expected, that was in fact nothing like the beam that she had anticipated.

"The enemy has relocated to the upper level." Eynde spoke to the Headdliner right before the declaration from the gunmen. Sylvius grit her teeth.
"Status on the Spire?"

"Not nearly ready again ma'am, recharge rate is reduced immensely from standard."

Stupid Solar system and their so called solar energy, they lacked both the quality and quantity she needed to properly take advantage of this opening and instead she had to fall back on different methods.
"Fire another barrage of missiles, we're engaging in pursuit."

As Enki went wide the Junchoon went up light far less intense than the show moments prior flared up behind it, as it directed itself upwards the machine fired another set of missiles, joining in on the assault on the right leg in collaboration with its ally.

She could feel the slight tug elsewhere, undoubtedly the interference of the monstrosity above that Eynde spoke of prior. This was the first outing she had since they landed and she still did this well so that was praiseworthy by itself even if that should wait until after combat given the prior tangent about the Meight and now was not the time to distract the Fatima.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2019
Enki and Junchoon scrambled rapidly after the plodding form of the Type D, which at this point was already beginning to draw a bead on the villages in the distance. It waited patiently, as was the nature of a behemoth that could only move so quickly, for the crosshairs to line up, for the numbers to spell doom for the residents who'd never so much as sent a bad word in its direction. It heeded the directions coursing through its systems, overriding its programming, urging it ever forward to greater heights of destruction.

It was the closest it had ever felt to... "Happiness".


It was in this moment of elation that the dogged defenders seemed to finally catch a break. Their combined assault slammed into the right leg of the Type D - hitting the exposed joints on its backside at the knee, the Enki's ferocious spray of gunfire and the the Mortar Headd's Jokerian-grade munitions driving directly into one of the machine's very few weak points. Now billowing black smoke, the massive MT took another step, its knee creaking treacherously as hundreds of tons of metal pressed down upon ruined pistons and servos - with predictable results.

The joint snapped, and the Type D lurched sideways with a groan, its body falling as if in slow motion through the air as gravity seized upon the opportunity with due vengeance. A roar of clattering metal and a spray of sand in all directions, filled the air as the titan slowed... and fell.

As the clouds of dust and dirt cleared, the MT lay inert, its monoeye now cold and dead, having finally heeded the emergency stop command long since issued.

It could no longer hear the "song".

But for Eynde, things were far from over.

The ECM that had plagued the area had only intensified. And yet... as they drew closer to the wreck, there was something in the crackling static. A... sound. A rhythm. Under her touch, the Junchoon gave a sudden, involuntary shudder, as the static formed words.

"So lonely."

Ghostly white hands emerged from the Mortar Headd's control panel, flickering in the light... and touched her face, gently. A sensation unlike she'd ever felt before was flowing through the Mortar Headd - through her - unbidden, like pure unalloyed pleasure. As if a needle had been jabbed into her arm, filled with the most powerful narcotic imaginable.

A face emerged from the monitor, pale and beautiful in a way that no human being could ever be, yet too human-like to be a Fatima. Her features were full of concern, and her voice betrayed nothing but the most secret, most intimate of heartfelt sympathies.

"You're far from home, aren't you?" Said Sharon Apple, soothingly.


"Share your burden with me... You don't have to be alone."

For Sylvia, the situation would have been far less pleasant, as the Mortar Headd's controls suddenly locked tight... and it began to turn its gaze towards the Enki, as if a spell had been cast, the eerie song reverberating through the entire machine's frame to terrible effect...


Mar 31, 2019
As the Type D crashed down, Eynde monitored the monstrous construct in its last moments. Running her hands across instruments as every single last thing was checked, despite the interference she kept at her task trying to ignore it in these final moments as Junchoon looked down from its now elevated position. That was when in front of her eyes limbs reached out of the display.

It would have been something straight out of a nightmare had it not been so comforting, Eynde watching the woman emerge and ask her questions. Alone... Thats right they were alone, alone together. Her hand, soft and gentle moved to caress the vision before her. The two amber dots within her own face acknowledging the angel before her. There was so much they couldn't do, so much they couldn't tell.

Her hands ran across instruments as her gaze remained on the apparition, she was so glad to see her. So glad she could share.
The only other time she felt so happy was when she met....

Sylvius beneath let out a gasp of relief, that was that dealt with before things got too bad. She began to speak up to address their ally, intent on congratulating them for a job well done and a fight well fought but that was when the Junchoon locked up. So instead she spoke simply
"What? Eynde is Junchoon alright?"

But the only retort she got was silence and static, her comms had been disabled. Sylvius squinted, this had suddenly turned exceedingly strange, worse still is she began Junchoon begin to move. Purin would be in the better position to see the results of that however, The machine turning much less organically then it had before to look down upon not the Type-D but instead Enki. Its movements, happening in intermittent fashion resulted in the machine readying its Spaad and raising its shield as it stepped forwards and began its return down.

This sudden plummet was something Sylvius more than felt and her gaze went upwards to the hatch leading to Eynde's cockpit. She loosened herself from the chair, immediately ascending as the machine fell and grabbing the latch. Forcing it open and looking up Junchoon to the bottom of the cockpit Eynde was in, just what was going on?

The comms behind her came to life
"Ma'am... Are you happy?"

Sylvius flicked her head back as that message came across. What kind of question was that? Much as Eynde had been concerned with her wellbeing ever since they met it always had been in a more physical sense.

"The only perceived moment of approximate happiness I have ever sensed in you has been when we reached safety after stranding here." She spoke simply, directly. Before Sylvius had disregarded the strange question but now as she was about to move up the neck of Junchoon. That reply made her pause,
"All other moments that would give others joy have instead been registered as moments where you displayed feelings of inadequacy. Both upon receiving myself and Junchoon you were quick to state you were not fit to receive such gifts. Even after stranding any tournament winnings were not for your own betterment but rather to sustain my existence without too many issues."

As she spoke Junchoon plunged its blade downwards, the thruster activating to catch the fall. A strike aiming to bisect Enki's right arm from its shoulder and then bring the blade up for a decapitation. This swift moment of motion was then halted by a moment of stillness, yet still Purin could almost see the pair of eyes that Junchoon had train on them, not the machine they were in. Sylvius inhaled sharply, beginning to climb up the neck of Junchoon. It had to be that interference Eynde had commented on, that was messing with her and she had to put a stop to that.

Still in the empty room behind her, amidst static the voice of the Fatima continued.
"It is now that I feel joy for the second time that I truly understand the pain you inflict on yourself." Eynde directed her gaze at Sharon once more "Could you help her find happiness?" An almost desperate plea as the Fatima, even in this moment where everything was going wrong internally one thing held true. Above all her devotion lay with Sylvius even above the angel before her.
"I'd do anything for her to find this happiness."

Just who was Eynde talking to, was it Junchoon?
Apr 11, 2019
"Nyatta! Yay!"'

Enki pumped its fists into the air, uncharacteristic girlish cheering coming from its stern face before Purin suddenly ceased and gathered herself. "Hm! Owari da. You did pretty well out there- for a human. If I could make you an honorary Beastman I would, but I'll have to settle with just the payment." The white Gunman sauntered forward, blade leaning over its shoulder. "This heap will do wonders for the village here. We could probably make a hundred Gunmen out of all this! Say, why don't I bring you over to meet- oi, what's with the laser sword?!"

Purin watched as the Mortar Headd descended the mesa and lurched forward with its weapon up. "Tch, I knew it! You humans are all the same, you just want this wreck for yourself!" Enki waved its katana angrily as Junchoon approached. Taking a stance, Purin stared angrily but froze for a moment as her keen eyes noticed a shape darting up from the MH's chest. "Oi! What are you getting out of your machine for!? More importantly why are you still moving?!" The Beastman faltered for a moment in confusion but steeled herself as Junchoon was about to come upon her. Something was going on but that didn't mean she wasn't still under attack.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2019
The ghostly idol listened, features the very picture of sympathy, her pale hands alighting the Fatima's shoulder. She put a finger to her lips, as if asking for quiet... and then slipped through the floor.

As Sylvius reached up for the next rung, a hand reached out and touched her own. Sharon Apple hung down from the room above, impeding her passage, yet unbound by gravity, looking as at ease as if she were at a resort.

"Why do you fight?" She asked, softly, in a voice that seemed to echo throughout the skull. She propped her had up with her hand, as though addressing a dear friend over tea, in a matter for their own good.

"Why do you punish yourself so? Do you think your denial is noble?"

A phantom hand was lifted - and a plume of glimmering flame, filled with all the color in the world, a kaleidoscope of visions - of a past denied, a world she had fled from, before her face. It threw ghastly shadows on the walls - visions of knights, of fierce battles, of bloodshed and misery. All the while, her presence seemed to sweep outward, as if seeking to drag the Headliner inward, promising that most tantalizing and secret of all desires: acceptance.

"We flicker like flames, so briefly, yet so brightly. Hasn't she suffered enough? Haven't you?"

In the distance, the avian forms of the Scavengers were beginning to appear, poking up like shoots of grey over the horizon now that the immediate danger had passed. Their skeletal bodies glimmered under the sunlight as they began to draw nearer, sensing wounded prey - and, perhaps, a fine find for the Foundation. For now, they made no move, merely keeping their distance as they observed the ongoing battle, in a fashion not unlike vultures.


Mar 31, 2019
Worries flowed away, from Eynde into Sharon who received them with grace. The Fatima obediently nodded as the request for silence was made. Trailing the phantasmal appearance into the floor with her eyes as a smile came on her features. She hadn't been able to feel gladness like this in ages and the knowledge that Sylvius' happiness was in good hands, or at least her now warped perception thereof, soothed her.

With Sharon out of sight the Fatima looked forward once more, focusing her gaze on Enki. There was no moment's hesitation, let alone contemplation. It was a Fatima's duty to follow orders and though Sharon was not Sylvius it felt natural to do as she desired. Though no words had been used she knew that this obstacle had to be eliminated and so she would do what was necessary to attain that.

Junchoon brought its raised shield forwards in a swift motion from the stillness, raising it to slam it into Enki's chest before cutting down at its arm with the spaad. Then a moment of stillness, as the Mortarhead stood there at this distance Purin could see a pair of eyes peer out from the mech's head. Not like those of gundams, perhaps closer to that of the Gunmen. Eyes filled with life, looking apologetically at the white Gunman. The stillness however did not last long as the blade was twisted, after the downwards slash and brought to the side, a forward step combined with a side slash to continue the assault but now against the legs.

On Junchoon's neck however, Sylvius ran into the real problem. A hand touching hers as she rose was not what she expected even as she looked forward. The appearance of the phantom songstress still was not what she had been ready for, but at least she now knew who Eynde had been talking to... To Sylvius it seemed like the apparition of a Fatima.

And it, she, spoke. The infinite colors rained down upon her but this was no refreshing shower. Visions of a past to which there was no return, yet she had not fled it. Her departure of it had been her fault but not her will, her hand still on the ladder began to slip as the visions barraged her and the specter spoke.
The words hurt more than the visions, the pain of the streets before her ascension the torment of prestige as one who saw themselves as unworthy. Suffering, Sylvius grit her teeth at the words.

It was true, they both had suffered here and there. These past years had not been easy, even as money from tournaments came in nearly as much went to ensuring Eynde would not suffer excessively and the rest went to this moment. To ensuring Junchoon could move once more.
There was a temptation to what the specter spoke of, the knowledge that this woman would accept her as she was. But- For her to speak of halting suffering?

Sylvius grunted, the free hand moving up and through Sharon.
"You dare?" She spoke "You dare speak to me of her suffering?" As she spoke the arm cutting slash of Junchoon happened, her violet gaze burning at the faux fatima. "While you make her do THIS!" Sylvius continued her ascent, she would have to apologize to Purin in Eynde's stead but she would not let this woman use all she had left as a toy soldier.

This hollow happiness that would shatter Eynde if this continued, she would not permit it as she put her hand on the inside of the cockpit.

Almost there.